Health Monitoring Laboratory

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In the laboratory, together with Digitex, we are working on designing and developing clever sensors for measuring various parameters in the machine industry and civil engineering.In addition to developing various equipment for measuring certain parameters in real-time (like a vibration of machines and structures), we also bring about software for acquisition and signal processing to determine possible damage to machines and structures from the unwanted vibrations.

Jointly with Digitex, we are developing an integrated hardware and software system that allows real-time health monitoring of buildings, bridges and dams.The system is capable of measuring and responding to both natural and man-made events such as: earthquakes, wind, explosions and accidental heavy impacts.

Horizon-Digitex SHM system

Sensors on the structure continuously send out data to the system. If an event such as an earthquake occurs, pre-assigned thresholds of drift are exceeded in one or multiple locations, thus triggering the recording and analyzing of data (including pre-event memory). Once an event is recorded, the system notifies a list of users (via e-mail) and uploads the event via FTP to another site.

Using the “quick analysis” capability of the Horizon-Digitex system, various measures of the monitored system’s response can be distributed to multiple locations and displayed in real time. The system can cross correlate data, plotting useful information about the interaction between the dynamic loads on the structure and its modal characteristics. It can be used for a rapid (rough) estimation of the dominant structure mode being observed in the selected time window, as well as an estimator of the corresponding structure damping parameters.

Below are the monitoring systems for buildings, bridges and dams. The number and type of sensors in the system depend on the complexity and size of the structure.


Health Monitoring System for Buildings

Health Monitoring System for Bridges

Health Monitoring System for Dams

Horizon-Digitex system hardware components

Each component can be used as a standalone or as a digital component in a daisy chain of the SHM system.



Central Acquisition Unit


Digital accelerometer


Voltage Sensor Digitizer


Bridge Sensor Digitizer