We must protect Earth, which is the only planet A.

Center for Hazards&Climate Change (CH&CC)

UNISDR’s two last world conferences, held in Kyoto in 2005 and Sendai in 2015, adopted two documents, the Hyogo Framework for Action and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, which outline guidelines for reducing natural disasters and human-made disaster consequences. Multidisciplinary habs and a laboratory are established within the Center for Hazards&Engineering as a unit of EHC. Following the resolutions of Kyoto and Sendai, the institute explores hazards as phenomena while simultaneously using engineering tools to reduce their risks and consequences. Collaborations with similar international institutes are underway at the Center. A memorandum of cooperation between the Center and UNDRR and EUROPA-major hazards will be signed. In the event of natural disasters or environmental hazards, this agreement will establish cooperation with EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement. As these changes rise, the Climate Change Hab analyzes the man-made hazards that are causing them.

Central Italy 2016 EQ

Amatrice  24 August, M6, massive destruction of the Historic Center


Earthquakes represent one of the biggest natural hazards that affect humanity. They occur unexpectedly, i.e., without any warning, giving rise to a huge loss of human lives and material damage.

More than 1 billion mammals, birds, and reptiles likely lost their lives in the Australia’s fires in 2019


Natural causes- Many forest fires start from natural causes such as lightning, which set trees on fire. Man-made causes- Fire is caused by the human hand.



Flash flood

Flash flood in the vicinity of Skopje, 2016. The rain’s volume was measured at a quantity of 97 l/m2, accompanied by strong winds of around 100 km/h. Meteorologists reported that more than 800 lightning strikes were recorded in the first two hours of the storm.








Flooding can affect large geographic areas. It will be studied, how flooding is developed from heavy rainfall and rapid snowmelt as well as from dam and levee failure, ice jams, and channel migration.