Horizon Europe

Will develop a project for you to participate in EU framework programs

About the Servce

One of the EHC’s specific services is providing assistance related to EU-funded projects. Our team of experts can select founding programs and open calls, including Horizon 2020, the Cohesion Fund, LIVO, ERDF, ESIF and RFCS, which are most suitable for the operation of your institution / company. We know the priorities of the EU programs and the rules of how making a project proposal, to be selected in the evaluation process. The range of support we offer is large. It starts with registering your company. Then comes the selection of the most favorable call for you and finding the right partners to create the project consortium. The last stage before applying for the project is the preparation of the proposal. After receiving the project (many of our professionals have prepared and received projects from EU programs) we help in project management. Below is useful information on the major EU-funded programs. An explanation is given for the new Horizon Europe program, which should start in 2021.

Shaping the future for a strong, sustainable and competitive European economy

I want Europe to strive for more by being the first climate-neutral continent. Becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent is the greatest challenge and opportunity of our times. We will need to invest in innovation and research, redesign our economy and update our industrial policy.

Ursula von der Leyen

What is?


Is a continuation of the already existing framework program Horizon2020. HE (2021-2027) will be the next largest framework program in the world with a budget of about 114.2 billion EUR. The goal of the program is to strengthen the scientific and technological European Research Area, to boost Europe’s innovation capacity, competitiveness and jobs and to deliver on citizens’ priorities and sustain a socioeconomic model and values. This FP will pay special attention to the world’s key challenges, like climate change, artificial intelligence, data governance and many others. Horizon Europe will support European partnerships with EU countries, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders.


 Is the framework program for research and innovation. The program consists of three main research “pillars”: The first pillar, “Excellent Science”, focuses on basic science. The second pillar is “Industrial Leadership”. It is managed by DG Enterprise and based on Europe 2020 and Innovation Union strategies. The third pillar funds potential solutions to social and economic problems, “Societal challenges” (SC).Horizon 2020 provides grants to research and innovation projects through open and competitive calls for proposals. Any legal entities are eligible to submit project proposals (PP) to these calls. Last calls for PP end in 2020.


Small and Medium-sized Enterprises are the backbone of Europe’s economy, providing 85% of all new jobs. COSME is the EU program for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs, running from 2014 – 2020. The aims of the program are to make it easier for SMEs to access finance in all phases of their lifecycle – creation, expansion, or business transfer. Thanks to EU support, businesses have easier access to guarantees, loans and equity capital.

Types of Actions/Instruments

Research and Innovation Actions

Primarily consisting of activities aiming to inaugurate new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of an original or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. For this purpose, they may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment.

Coordination and Support Actions

Are multi-partner projects. CSA do not finance research and development, but they offer funding for activities coordinating or supporting research actions and strategies, such as networking and exchange actions, cross-border access to research infrastructure, studies, conferences, preparation of studies etc.

Innovation Actions

Consist of activities directly aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. For this objective, they may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication.

SME Instrument

Supports high-risk, high- prospective small and medium-sized enterprises to develop and bring to market innovative products, services and business models that could push economic growth.

Pre-commercial Procurement Co-fund

Questions industry from the demand side to develop innovative solutions for public sector needs. PCP enables public procurers to compare alternative promise solution approaches and filter out the best possible solutions.

ERANET Co-fund

Is a co-fund action designed to support public-public partnerships, including joint programming initiatives among Member States, in their preparation, establishment of networking structures, design, implementation and coordination of joint activities. The instruments primarily 'tops-up' funding for single joint calls and transnational actions.

Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions Co-fund

Enables wide transmission of innovative solutions on the market. PPI provides a large enough demand to industry to invest in wide commercialization to bring inventive solutions to the market with the quality and price needed for mass market deployment. This enables the public sector to modernize public services with better value for money solutions.

We help you to create a project.

Three pillars of the new Horizon Europe framework program.