Zone of Social Creativity

Social Creativity&Cities.

The number of forcibly displaced persons continues to rise, which creates new challenges for urban areas. 

 Schools, lifelong learning, and housing must be organized to suit the current population, tackling diversity in more innovative ways.
The future of smart cities is not technology-centric, but citizen-centric. Inclusion improves the economic health of cities. By addressing the needs of populations in a more holistic manner, social innovation can improve the value of public services.


A versatile voice in society.

Social innovation involves detecting, developing, and applying new strategies that increase individual and community welfare and well-being through concepts, practices, products, or structural change. It has been demonstrated that a lot of social economy initiatives as well as ideas undertaken by civil society have shown the ability to contribute to the development of the economy while addressing socioeconomic and environmental issues. Social innovation is best realized when public, non-profit, and private actors work together to compose and implement socially innovative solutions. An enabling policy framework will help public, non-profit, and private actors work together to address socio-economic issues, strengthen territorial resilience, and respond to surprises in the future.

Cultural and creative sectors

As the driving force behind the creative economy, cultural and creative sectors are integral to the development of societies. Known for their knowledge-intensive nature, they generate significant economic wealth due to their imagination and talents. More importantly, they are critical to a shared sense of Citizens’ identity, culture, and values. In addition to that, they are significant to the development of a shared sense of Population culture, identity, and values. Aside from generating jobs for young people, they show above-average economic growth and strengthen social unity.


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